Towards the end of her very soft, understanding and motherly talk we find this from Elder M. Russell Ballard. "He said to behold them. To me that means that we should embrace them with our eyes and with our hearts; we should see and appreciate them for who they really are: spirit children of our Heavenly Father, with divine attributes."
In way of a summary, here are some of the attributes that are mentioned and in which we, as adults must improve:
- They will follow a commandment such as paying tithing, they will and do, setting the example.
- They are humble.
- They are obedient.
- They are loving, often the first to love.
- They are forgiving.
- They are observant and kind to others.
- They are willing to serve.
- They share testimony.
- They have contagious optimism.
- They choose faith and trust in the Lord.
- They are submissive, meek, humble, patient and full of faith.
Since virtually all parents and grandparents see these children as gifts from God, they come with the purpose of helping us become more like Him. I believe each family can recount little stories about their children exhibiting the attributes listed above and it would be great to write some of these stories and share them. We all need to see and follow these examples. "It is a process by which we can become more Christlike."
"We must commit ourselves to study it and treasure it." He is referring to the New Testament which is this year's topic for our Sunday classes. In my plan of scripture study, I will soon finish both the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon and begin the New Testament and plan to finish it by year end. By treasuring it, we then can focus on being better examples of the believers as we observe the Sabbath day. Here are some of the observances we need to do:
- Partaking of the sacrament is the center. This is where and when we do "self investigation" and "self-inspection" to change our course as needed. This is the time to renew and always remember Him to claim the promise of the companionship of the Spirit.
- Keep ourselves unspotted from the world. Avoid worldly distractions of businesses and recreational facilities on that day. Dress appropriately.
- Go to the house of prayer and offer up our sacraments. Confess and forsake our sins and errors to the Lord and to others.
- Rest from our labors. Avoid activities that take us away from worship and the opportunity to minister to others.
- Teach our children how to be examples of the believers by attending sacrament meeting well rested, properly dressed and spiritually prepared to partake of the sacrament.
On our reading list perhaps we should add; Sermons and Missionary Services of Melvin Joseph Ballard - Bryant S. Hinckley (1949) (Used copies through but not as yet on Kindle). Melvin J. Ballard spoke as an Apostle to the Phoenix Ward in about 1926 when J.R. Price was the Bishop. Elder Ballard had just returned from South America and two young men in that audience were inspired to serve and then sent to Brazil.