Wow, did this talk open up the vision of the ways the Lord may use the Aaronic Priesthood in these latter days. As he spoke of the young men being given KEYS of presidency as Deacons and then Teachers I had to see our young boys becoming ordained to these offices soon. The three oldest are now being trained at home to become part of the councils of the Aaronic Priesthood in just a few short years.
Max - Turns 12 on January 25, 2013 |
Justin - Turns 12 on May 28, 2013 |
Gavin - Turns 12 on June 19, 2014 |
What should these three be prepared to do?
- Understand the scriptures regarding the Aaronic Priesthood and the office of Deacon.
- Understand the Keys given to the President of the Deacons Quorum and how to help that young President as a member of the quorum.
- What worthiness requirements are needed to be ordained to this office?
Now the Deacons Quorum as defined in the scriptures consists of 12 Deacons. Could it be that a quorum of fewer than 12 should be seeking the "missing" members and bring them into the fellowship of the quorum? In the example here, there were 2 inactive members, but what of the other 5 mentioned. Perhaps the quorum should invite on a regular basis the full time missionaries and explain to them that there are potential members in the Ward area that they need to find to fill up the requirement for 12. Perhaps the other 5 are already known to the members of the quorum as school friends or neighbors. What if they do this and the quorum grows to 13? Should the Bishop at that point, under the counsel of the Quorum President split the quorum into two quorums and then seek to fill them both? I feel that the answer is yes and the Church is now in the state of "filling the earth" with the knowledge of the Savior. Our young men and women are part of this from their youth and so parents have this charge to teach them this duty.
I can see now the great vision that was given to Joseph Smith regarding the Aaronic Priesthood quorums. I can see our Moms and Dads teaching this in the family with great effect when they are called to serve.
I loved your comments Jim. I can just see all my precious Grand Son's serving in these important callings in their youth, and not just the calling but fulfilling the duties that the Lord has outlined for those important callings. (Some MIGHT call me prejudice, but I feel my "Grands" are the handsomest, smartest, sensitive and thoughtful young men I know. Future Missionaries and Leadership material for the Lord's church.)