I believe that most of his talks begin with the statement of his purpose in giving it. That is the case here as he says; " My beloved young sisters, you are the bright hope of the Lord's Church. My purpose tonight is to help you believe that is so." From his vantage point in front of this congregation world wide he advises the hearers that they already have felt the spirit witness to them in various ways the reasons they were there present. It was as a result of the small choices they have made, including the one to be present.
He proclaims that; "There is need for the young daughters of Israel to get a living testimony of the truth."
He then defines what a testimony is, using the quote from President Joseph Fielding Smith; "...is a convincing knowledge given by revelation to [a person] who humbly seeks the truth." It will not come at once but "...in pieces as parts of the whole truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ are confirmed." Of course Alma 32 was referred to and is perhaps the best sermon available to understand how that spiritual gift is obtained. Using that path, faith will result in the end as certain knowledge.
As many struggle with faith from time to time this wisdom is pertinent: "I do not depend on what has happened in the past. To keep my living testimony of the Book of Mormon secure, I receive the promise of Moroni often. I don't take that blessing of a testimony for granted as a perpetual entitlement."
And then this warning: "There is danger in neglecting prayer. There is danger to our testimony in only casual study and reading of the scriptures. They are necessary nutrients for our testimony."
As we serve as missionaries, we have often seen the fulfillment of this promise, even as I summarize and comment on these Conference presentations, the Spirit has confirmed and strengthened my testimony and my ability to bear this witness to the ones we serve. Our prayers each night include all of the young women of our family whatever their age and we sincerely hope their testimonies are growing through the revelations of the Spirit.
I love to listen to him speak. His opening remarks that the YW "are the bright hope of the church" was said with such a firm knowledge and confiction that I knew it to be sooooooo true. As he went on with his remarks refering to those YW that were in that meeting with him or listening to him in meeting houses elsewhere - the thought came to me that there are always YW in attendance in our meetings that we as leaders just assume are making correct choices and are developing their testimonies and praying often and with faith. I've learned that that is not always the case and it was reaffirmed to me that I need to do my part in keeping myself close to the spirit so that I can be worthy to be used to help other's come unto Christ.