Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Sanctifying Work of Welfare - H. David Burton

  Having served as the Regional Welfare Specialist for Phoenix for three years, the references in this talk are very familiar to me. Here in Brazil the need for this kind of help is all around us. It is interesting how our family has been part of this effort since the early days of the Church. Here are some facts about that tying in to this topic. Elder Burton's great-great-grandfather, Robert Taylor Burton served as the second counselor to the Presiding Bishop from 1874 to 1883. The first counselor, Leonard Wilford Hardy was called to serve in this position from 1856 until his death in 1884. It appears that Robert T. Burton was then called to be the first counselor. Brother Hardy was my great-great grandfather. Here is a quote regarding a blessing given to him by Apostle Wilford Woodruff in England at the conclusion of his mission there:

  "He told him also he should spend his last days as one of the leading Bishops in the land of Zion. At the close of the blessing Elder Hardy remarked: "Brother Woodruff, I always thought you were a man of truth. I can comprehend arriving home in safety, but I cannot comprehend being a leading Bishop in Zion." And he says it came nearer trying his faith than anything that ever happened to him in the flesh. Elder Woodruff told him to wait and see, and if it did not come to pass, he would acknowledge that the spirit that dictated it was not the spirit of truth. The future events of his life showed that it was correct."

  So our family has always had this great concern for the "poor and the needy" and this continues to this day in our opportunities to serve. Whether it is to help a family in need, raise money for cancer research, work in the Cannery or serve in a Ward or Stake council we will always be involved in this sanctifying service. 
  My challenge to our family is to teach this to the young ones by finding opportunities to help. The world is in need of this attitude of "...helping people help themselves."

1 comment:

  1. I felt as I listened to him speak that we are to be personally responsible for ourselves. Be thrifty and avoid debt. We are to love and care for our neighbors. Suffer the weak and lift up the suffering. Impart of our substance to those in need. In other words we are to relieve human suffering by reaching out to people in need everywhere. This is of primary concern to over 28,000 Bishops, Ward Counsels and Relief Society Presidents.


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