Friday, August 26, 2011

Your Potential, Your Privilege - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  The compelling message is for us to listen as priesthood holders. Listen to the message of a scripture we are reading. Listen to the spirit as we hear a presentation. Listen when we have an assignment to do, so that we will know when and how to do it. As we have been taught to make lists, we have received from this presentation the charge to move our tendency from the "later" position to always be in the "now" position. On the wall, I have the words posted "Just Do It!" to help me stay in the "now" position regarding important things. Then his counsel is more specific:

  • First: Read the Owner's Manual - This seems clear enough, but related to the Priesthood there is this assignment: "Let us begin by rereading sections 20, 84, 107 and 121 of the Doctrine and Covenants. That is really four assignments to get done. Section 20 has 84 verses. Section 84 has 120 verses. Section 107 has 100 verses. Section 121 has 46 verses. It is a large reading, studying and pondering assignment, not to be done in one day, but perhaps over 4 weeks spending one week on each one. It is important so let's Just Do It!
  • Second: Seek the Revelations of the Spirit - It is interesting in keeping a daily journal, that you have to think about what happened that day and if you reflect on the day in relation to the prayer requests you made, often you can see specific but often small things that resulted from your requests. 
  • Third: Find Joy in Priesthood Service - In those events related to our priesthood service, you will always find the Joy promised when you listen. It is there but we have to be careful to avoid the "...three W's: wearied, worrying, and whining." 
  Our priesthood service comes with the promise that our faith will increase and additionally light and knowledge will be given to us.

1 comment:

  1. As we are serving our Mission call to Brasil. I find when we think of things during a day that we've opened with a pray for inspiration and guidance for our calling here, our calling as children of elderly parents, our calling as parents and grand-parents; thoughts and ideas will come to add to our daily "to-do lists" and if we are flexible we find that we can accomplish so much more worthwhile. Thus applying our motto on our wall "Just Do It!"


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